Karl Lagerfeld
Karl Lagerfeld. PHOTOGRAPHY
The Retrospective
Fashion designer, photographer, publisher, caricaturist, as well as film director, Karl Lagerfeld (1933–2019) created a universe in which every line was perfectly under control, each detail of absolute importance. With his exceptional intuition, inexhaustible creative energy and astute intelligence, he developed a unique, highly structured style, combined with a flair for ambitious staging, which he could express in any artistic medium at any moment.

Karl Lagerfeld decided to move behind the lens in 1987, with his first presskit for Chanel at the request of Eric Pfrunder, Directeur de l’Image Chanel Fashion. Since then he created and shot his own advertising campaigns for all the brands of which he was designer.
Karl Lagerfeld’s passion for photography and books transformed his campaigns into veritable art books (mostly published by Steidl), while he continued to shoot for prestigious international magazines, investing his whole creative attention into each and every project.
Never content with the countless successes he achieved in his fashion career, Karl Lagerfeld extended his range of expression, creating opera costumes, designing and revamping various products, and opening his 7L bookshop in 1999. A year later Karl Lagerfeld founded with Gerhard Steidl the photobook publishing house Edition 7L, and in 2010 L.S.D. (Lagerfeld, Steidl, Druckerei Verlag) for German literature, particularly translations from English and French, for which Lagerfeld was editorial director.
The Retrospective
08.03.2020 – 12.02.2021
Exhibition curators
Eric Pfrunder & Gerhard Steidl
In cooperation with

With the support of
