Telonero | Opening act
Works of the ceramics class of the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design
26.02.2023 — 21.05.2023
Cabinet exhibition
As part of the exhibition "The Other Picasso" students of the ceramics class of Prof. Martin Neubert presented their own ceramic works on the 2nd floor of the museum.
Further information about the exhibition "The Other Picasso: Back to the Origins"

The handling of ceramic materials is the main focus of the study at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design, the combination with other materials included. The concentration is on the ways to create a form and to make its potential meaningful in one’s own work. The modelling of the material is examined in its expression, in its plastic value, often in relation to colour. The content grows from the capacity of the form. An intention gives the impulse for the beginning of the work. On the way, the attention for unexpectedly successful extensions or necessary changes of direction is important. The goal of sculptural work is to bring material into form in such a way that it convincingly and naturally carries a content. The stu-dents are to assert wild things. The work is play and dialogue, agony and chance, pause and delight – is opportunity and discovery.
The desire to play with materials unites the students’ works with Picasso’s. His exuberant self-assurance has also provoked counter-positions. The students created an exhibition in impatience and in the shortest possible time, freely following Picasso’s injunction: “Give me a museum and I’ll fill it.”

Project participants
Katharina von Aigner, Sophie Anger, Priska Engelhardt, Maya Fenderl, Rebeka Akane Fimmel, Esther-Maria Karlson, Jonathan Lohr, Martin Neubert, Christina Passer, Kathrin Momo Schuster, Zhifeng Song, Nele Vogt, Lina Wiedwald