„Really, I live in dark times!“
Sandra del Pilar: Painting
21.07.2024 — 13.10.2024
The works of the German-Mexican painter and post-conceptual artist Sandra del Pilar are today more topical and relevant than ever due to global developments. With Vladimir Putin’s brutal war of aggression on Ukraine, we have been at war again in Europe for two years and crimes against humanity are taking place just two hours’ flight from Germany. These are some of the issues that Sandra del Pilar has been dealing with for many years with regard to the past of her two homelands – Germany and Mexico. Now they are also issues of our present, issues that affect all of us.

For this reason, it was the artist’s wish to title the exhibition with a quote from Bertolt Brecht’s poem „An die Nachgeborenen“ (To those born after us). Written between 1934 and 1938 in exile in Denmark, it ends with the words: „But you, when the time comes at last / And man is a helper to man / Think of us / With forbearance.“ – a plea that has new validity today.
Artist & artwork

The German-Mexican post-conceptual artist Sandra del Pilar, born 1973 in Mexico City, received a Master’s degree (2007) and a Doctorate (2019) – both in painting – from the Academia de San Carlos, resp. the Faculty of Art and Design at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Mexico City. Prior to that, she had gained a Magister (1998) in Art History at the Heinrich Heine University in Dusseldorf and also done a Doctorate there (2006).
Sandra del Pilar is a member of the famous Mexican Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte (SNCA). In Germany she held a scholarship from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (Academic Foundation of the German People) and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service). She has received numerous awards for her works, which are represented in museums, public and private collections, in art galleries, at art fairs and biennials in Mexico, Germany, Turkey, France, Belgium, China and Bolivia. In 2019 a documentary film about her work by Sergio Sanjinés was premiered in the Cineteca Nacional in Mexico City. It was subsequently shown above all at Latin American film festivals and awarded prizes.
Sandra del Pilar formulates her disturbing subjects in a figurative visual language. Her themes revolve around the various forms of power: the power of interpretation, the power of definition, the power of violence, the power of asymmetrical relation-ships, the power of the visibility regime, and so on. However, this power is never „illustrated“, „represented“ or „depicted“. Instead, it is always made physically tangible through the technical refinements of her highly complex painting, an elaborate process developed by her. The painting itself is also reflected upon as a medium and setting for the „aesthetic event“.
Exhibition film
Exhibition Film (only in German)
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„Wirklich, ich lebe in finsteren Zeiten“ Sandra del Pilar: Malerei

Vo. 32 of the Writings for the Kunstmuseum Moritzburg Halle (Saale)
Published by von Christian Philipsen
192 pages, 157 fig.
Leipzig : E. A. Seemann Verlag, 2024
ISBN: 978-3-86502-535-7
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